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Effective Flu Prevention Tips for Older Adults

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Each year, many people suffer from seasonal influenza or the flu. The flu is a respiratory illness caused by viruses that infect the throat, nose, and lungs. Although it’s a mild illness for some people, it can be serious and even life-threatening for seniors and those with chronic health conditions. In addition to skilled nursing, home care providers can help reduce the risk of flu in seniors.

As a trusted hospice care provider, we will share effective flu prevention tips for aging adults:

  • Practice proper handwashing.
    Handwashing is still the easiest and most effective means of preventing infection, especially during flu season. Seniors should wash their hands with antibacterial soap and water or use a hand sanitizer. They should also cover their mouth when they sneeze or cough and avoid touching their nose, eyes, and mouth as much as possible.
  • Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet.
    Drinking water and staying hydrated become even more important during flu season. A caregiver in Maryland can remind seniors to stay hydrated and make sure drinking water is accessible. Seniors should also maintain a balanced diet to curb inflammation in the body and strengthen the immune system.
  • Get the flu vaccine.
    The flu can lead to serious health complications for seniors. Hence, the best form of prevention is getting the seasonal influenza vaccine annually. The virus changes each year which means the shot is adjusted accordingly as well.

SERENITY ESTATE HOME CARE is your go-to provider of comprehensive and exceptional home health care in Bethesda, Maryland.

If you are considering hospice or home health care for a loved one, get in touch with us to inquire about our care services.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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